Covid 19

 HL COVID-19 Update (11/11/20)

To All Harbor Light family members

In Philippians 2 it says “Is there any encouragement ….. but take an interest in others too.”

This word from the Apostle Paul is so encouraging and relevant even today while we are experiencing such difficulty and unrest. As pastor Gary has mentioned our actions and attitudes towards each other should be of the utmost importance. So, as we try to mirror Jesus’ heart we should think of others better than ourselves. 

Therefore, with the increase of hospitalizations and exposures to the COVD-19 virus in our area we believe it is necessary to inform everyone of a few precautions we have put in place during our worship services. These precautions were put in place to minimize risk of exposure, and help people feel safer while attending services. 

Please note that we are creating a 1-way traffic flow as you enter/exit the building.  As you arrive please look for the signs that are posted showing the entrance point. Door greeters will be there to assist you as you enter the building. At the end of each service you will be dismissed by sections and asked to exit the building using the doors closest to the stage. If you want to visit with other people, please do this outdoors as there will be many other people who need to exit the room as well. 

Second, in an effort to reduce contact the offering buckets will not be passed during services. Offering buckets, however, are available and can be located on the table near the exit doors. 

Lastly, we encourage everyone to do your part to socially distance from other non-family members. As you arrive select seats for your family unit that are at least three (3) chairs apart from the next family. 


Hand sanitizing stations can be found throughout the campus. Feel free to use these as you find necessary. 

If you feel sick, or have traveled to a high-risk area, we ask that you stay home and enjoy the services online. 

Wearing a mask is encouraged. Medical professionals continue to advocate for the wearing of masks when in public places. This may provide an effective level of protection that can reduce the chances of contracting the virus. 

As we move forward we step with confidence into God’s faithfulness, and pray for wisdom as we continue to search for ways to provide face to face services in a safe way. 


Service Time

Join us Sunday at 

9:00 & 10:45am